Friday, April 20, 2007

Revision Comments

Where I work we have a standard header comment that is a revision block.
In this block we record dates, tracking numbers, person responsible for the revision and a comment.

We even have an entry for the creation of a file.

The other day I ran across this entry.

// Revision Author
// ------------ -------------------------------------
// 01/01/2005 Nessie our underwater ally - Creation

And some more...

// Chuck Norris's Mom(also created the roundhouse kick) - Creation

// Knight Rider (and Kitt helped of course) - Creation

// TDe... - like Creation and stuff...

// Beltashazar the Amalekite - Creation

// "Doc Oc" - Creation

// TDe... - Creation - this one goes out to the one i love...FIRE!!

// Voltron - Creation

// Jabba the Hutt - Creation

// Chuck Norris - Creation

// Lloyd Christmas - Creation

// Zoltar and the Galactic Whosamawhatzit - Creation

// Space Ghost - Creation

// Bildad the Shoehite - Creation

// Ross Perot - Creation

// Lion King - Creation

// Napoleon Dynamite - Creation

// Rocky Balboa - Creation

// My Mom - Creation

// My Wife - Creation [this programmer is not married]

// Jalfrabby Chicken - Creation

// The Flying Nun - Creation

// Mighty Mouse - Creation

// Condoliza Rice - Creation

// Krohn the Stalagtite - Creation

// Papa Bear - Creation

// Captain Stooby - Creation

// Green Lantern - Creation

// Loose Cannon - Creation

// Simon the Sorcerer - Creation

// [name withheld] - Creation - I am an artist and I write pretty code...

// Caleb's remote control tarantula - Creation

// Starbuck from the Quasar System - Creation

// Stardate 10 Captain Kirk - Creation

// Tom and Terry from "The Great Race" - Creation

// Mr. Klondike Bar - Creation

// Your Mom? - Creation

// Matza Cracker - Creation

// Hogan's Hero's - Creation

// Space Alien? - Creation

// Marvin the Martian - Creation

// Swygard Burrito - Creation

// Johnny Quest - Creation

// [another programmer's] mother in law - Creation

// Sargent Bilko (and his sidekick [another programmer]) - Creation

// My Mom on Tuesdays - Creation

// CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow - Creation

// Mr. Gibbs - Creation

// Miss Elizabeth - Creation

// Mikael Gorbechev - Creation

The funny thing is that almost none of these are duplicated. The several that are: the mom ones, the Jalfrabby chicken ('cause it's so tasty) and Chuck Norris (because if we didn't, he'd come round-house kick us).